Challenging the Conventional in a Post-COVID-19 Era: Why it is Time for Innovation in Clinical Trial Technology

Challenging the Conventional in a Post-COVID-19 Era: Why it is Time for Innovation in Clinical Trial Technology

March 22, 2022

ACRP (Association of Clinical Research Professionals) publishes an article written by Ricky Lakhani, Chief Product Office, PHARMASEAL - Why it is Time for Innovation in Clinical Trial Technology

With accelerations in medical science and the advent of personalized medicine and patient centricity, drug and device developers have the chance to tackle unmet needs and grow their businesses like never before, but only if they make wholesale changes to the way “do” clinical trials.

Spiralling operational costs, strict compliance procedures, and difficulties in recruiting and retaining participants are age-old barriers to efficient development. Trends such as more complex trial designs, ever tightening regulations, and targeted therapies reducing the pool of potential study subjects are only serving to compound these problems.{1} In addition, there is a growing supply and demand issue—since the arrival of COVID-19, the overall volume of clinical trials and the number of procedures and endpoints they include has skyrocketed, yet sites are facing increasing financial and staffing pressures.{2}

The time is right to shake off these shackles and realize the potential of innovation. How the industry responded to COVID-19 has proved that it is possible, and now it must elevate the conversation and realize that cutting-edge science needs cutting-edge technologies.